viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015

The Rattling Bog - Irish folk song

oh,row, the rattlin' bog,
The bog down in the valley-o.
oh,row, the rattlin' bog,
The bog down in the valley-o.

And in that bog there was a hole,
A rare hole a rattlin' hole,
A hole in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.


Well in that hole there was a seed,
A rare seed and a rattlin' seed,
A seed in the hole,
And the hole in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.


Well in that seed there was a tree,
A rare tree and a rattlin' tree,
A tree in the seed,
A seed in the hole,
And the hole in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.


On that tree there was a branch,
A rare branch a rattlin' branch,
And the branch on the tree,
And the tree in the seed,
And the seed in the hole,
And the hole in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.


On that branch there was a twig,
A rare twig a rattlin' twig,
And the twig on the branch,
And the branch on the tree,
And the tree in the seed,
And the seed in the hole
And the hole in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.


Well on that twig there was a leaf,
A rare leaf a rattlin' leaf,
And the leaf on the twig,
And the twig on the branch,
And the branch on the tree,
And the tree in the seed,
And the seed in the hole
And the hole in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.


Now in that leaf there was an nest,
A rare nest a rattlin' nest,
And the nest in the leaf,
And the leaf on the twig,
And the twig on the branch,
And the branch on the tree,
And the tree in the seed,
And the seed in the hole
And the hole in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.


Now in that nest there was an egg,
A rare egg a rattlin' egg,
And the egg in the nest,
And the nest in the leaf,
And the leaf on the twig,
And the twig on the branch,
And the branch on the tree,
And the tree in the seed,
And the seed in the hole
And the hole in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.


In that egg there was a bird,
A rare bird a rattlin' bird,
And the bird in the egg,
And the egg in the nest,
And the nest in the leaf,
And the leaf on the twig,
And the twig on the branch,
And the branch on the tree,
And the tree in the seed,
And the seed in the hole
And the hole in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.


On that bird there was a feather,
A rare feather rattlin' feather,
And the feather on the bird,
And the bird in the egg,
And the egg in the nest,
And the nest in the leaf,
And the leaf on the twig,
And the twig on the branch,
And the branch on the tree,
And the tree in the seed,
And the seed in the hole
And the hole in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.


On that feather there was a flee,
A rare flee a rattlin' flee,
And the flee on the feather,
And the feather on the bird,
And the bird in the egg,
And the egg in the nest,
And the nest in the leaf,
And the leaf on the twig,
And the twig on the branch,
And the branch on the tree,
And the tree in the seed,
And the seed in the hole
And the hole in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.


On that flee there was a leg,
A rare leg a rattlin' leg,
And the leg on the flee,
And the flee on the feather,
And the feather on the bird,
And the bird in the egg,
And the egg in the nest,
And the nest in the leaf,
And the leaf on the twig,
And the twig on the branch,
And the branch on the tree,
And the tree in the seed,
And the seed in the hole
And the hole in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.


On that leg there was a boot
A rare boot a rattlin' boot,
And the boot on the leg,
And the leg on the flee,
And the flee on the feather,
And the feather on the bird,
And the bird in the egg,
And the egg in the nest,
And the nest in the leaf,
And the leaf on the twig,
And the twig on the branch,
And the branch on the tree,
And the tree in the seed,
And the seed in the hole
And the hole in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.


On that boot there was a lace,
A rare lace a rattlin' lace,
And the lace on the boot,
And the boot on the leg,
And the leg on the flee,
And the flee on the feather,
And the feather on the bird,
And the bird in the egg,
And the egg in the nest,
And the nest in the leaf,
And the leaf on the twig,
And the twig on the branch,
And the branch on the tree,
And the tree in the seed,
And the seed in the hole
And the hole in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.

Chorus Chorus

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